The View menu allows you to update the Resource Editor for the selected object, change the order in which resources are displayed, and display or hide the Resource Editor Toolbar, Search Bar, and Header Data text fields, as well as change the set of resources displayed on the Resource Editor.
Select View from the Resource Editor menu bar to display the View menu:
View Menu
The following sections describe how these toggle settings customize the set of resources displayed in the Resource Editor.
Updates the Resource Editor to display the resource values for the selected object. Double-click on the instance name in the Browser or on the object in the application to update the Resource Editor.
Show Search Bar(Ctrl+F)
Adds or removes a panel at the bottom of the Resource Editor, containing the Find Resource text field and two arrow buttons.
Find Resource
text field
In the Find Resource text field, specify the string you wish to search for in the Resource Editor resource list. Once you establish a search direction by clicking an arrow button or pressing enter, the list is searched dynamically as you enter text. When you type "text" the search begins by finding the first instance of "t", then "te", and so forth.
The search is case insensitive, wraps around the list, and is terminated with a beep and a message posted to the Browser Message Area in the event that the string is not found.
Show Toolbar (Ctrl+T)
Displays the Resource Editor Toolbar. The Resource Editor Toolbar is displayed just below the Resource Editor menu bar.
Resource Editor Toolbar
Adding a menu item to the Toolbar
Add a menu item to the Toolbar by pressing the Shift key and selecting the item from its menu. For example, to add Update to the Toolbar:
1. Confirm that the Toolbar is being displayed. If not, select Show Toolbar from the Resource Editor View menu.
2. Hold down the Shift key and select Update from the Resource Editor View menu.
All Resources
The Resource Editor resource list contains all resources supported by the currently selected object.
Simple Resources
The Resource Editor resource list contains all simple resources for the currently selected object. Simple resources are the minimum resources necessary to set when creating a prototype (such as, foreground, background, and labels).
Note: You can change the membership of these forms by editing the WML file associated with a particular object group.
Programmer Resources
The Resource Editor resource list contains all programmer resources for the currently selected object. Programmer resources are the resources you are most likely to set when creating an interface (such as, callbacks and labels).
Note: You can change the membership of these forms by editing the WML file associated with a particular object group.
Modified Resources
When set, the Resource Editor resource list contains all resources for the currently selected object which have been modified from the default resource value for the class.
Not Equal Resources
When set, the Resource Editor resource list contains all "not-equal resources" for the currently selected objects. If you have selected two or more instances, the Resource Editor will display only the resources for which the multiply-selected instances have different values.