Font List Editor

Allows you to select from a list of fonts and font families, specifying style, size, slant, and weight. A window displaying sample text is automatically updated to reflect your selections. The list of fonts is generated by the Builder Xcessory from the X11 fonts available on the display on which the Builder Xcessory is running. You cannot use the Font List Editor if you want to use a font other than those present on your development system, but you can type the font name directly into the Resource Editor.

Font List Editor with Options

Font List Editor fields and buttons

The Font List Editor contains the following fields and buttons:

· Family combination box, enabling you to specify the font family.

· Size combination box, for specifying the font size in points.

· Bold and Italic toggle buttons, to control the weight and slant of the font.

· Options button, which toggles between showing and hiding the additional options described below.

· Font Tag list, enabling you to apply the tag specified in the Font Tag text field to the font currently selected in the list. The New and Delete buttons to the right of this field allow you to manipulate the list of fonts, while the up and down arrow buttons allow you to reorder the list.

The Font List Editor dynamically removes choices that are inappropriate. This enables the user to freely experiment with different combinations and ensures that the selected font exists on the machine from which the Font List Editor is running.

Font list example

For example, if the Times Roman 14 point font is not available, and the user selects a point size of 14, then Times Roman will not be available in the family combination box. Likewise, if the user had chosen Times Roman from the family dialog box then a size of 14 would not be shown. To have all choices available choose a size and family of Any.


The Font List Editor provides tremendous flexibility in font choices. Click the Options button to display an additional panel of controls. This allows the user to gain access to non-X Logical Font Description (XLFD) fonts, control the resolutions of the fonts chosen, choose from fixed or proportional fonts only, remove the use of font scaling, view non-iso8859-1 fonts, and see the XLFD name of the font which the Font List Editor is constructing.

Non-XLFD fonts

By choosing the Other Fonts toggle from the option panel, the family and size lists, as well as the bold and italic toggles, are replaced with a list of all non-XLFD fonts available on your system. This feature allows users to select non-XLFD fonts with the Font List Editor. The text field of the combination box may be edited by the user and any string entered is interpreted as a font name.

Note: XLFD names may be entered in this field. This feature allows the Font List Editor to be used to specify any font on the entire system.

Resolution control

The Font List Editor finds which of the two standard resolutions (in dots per inch--dpi) the current display is closest to and uses that as its default. To allow a wider range of choices, a user may choose to access fonts of a different resolution, or both 75 and 100 dpi resolutions.

Fixed or proportional

Some applications, such as terminal emulators, require a fixed-width font, although proportional fonts often look better. The Font List Editor allows users to limit the font choices to fixed-width or proportional, or to allow both.

Font scaling

The font scaling technology available in X11R5 uses bitmap scaling which often results in ugly fonts. To remove the scaled fonts from the list of choices, unset the Use Font Scaling toggle. You can set this value as a resource.

XLFD name display

Advanced users may desire to know which font the Font List Editor is constructing for them. By setting the Show Font Name toggle the XLFD name is shown to the user at the bottom of the Font List Editor as it is being constructed. Builder Xcessory uses wildcards when constructing a font name.


Most English fonts have an encoding of iso8859-1. The Encoding options menu allows you to choose any of the character sets available in your interface. The character sets are loaded from your WML files.

