The final section of this appendix reprints the man pages of the several license manager user commands, courtesy of GLOBEtrotter Software, Inc.
lmdown (1)
sends a message to every license daemon asking it to shut down. The license daemons write out their last messages to the log file, close the file, and exit. All licenses which have been given out by those daemons will rescinded, so that the next time a client program goes to verify his license, it will not be valid.
-c license_file Use the specified license file. If this switch is not specified, lmdown
looks for the environment variableLM_LICENSE_FILE
. If that environment variable is not set, lmdown
looks for the file/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
. If no -c
option is specified, lmdown
looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
in order to find the license file to use. If that environment variable is not set, lmdown
looks for the file /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
-q Quiet mode. If this switch is not specified, lmdown
asks for confirmation before asking the license daemons to shut down. If this switch is specified, lmdown
will not ask for confirmation.
lmgrd (1)
is the main daemon program for the FLEXlm distributed license management system. When invoked, it looks for a license file containing all required information about vendors and features.
-c license_file
Use the specified license_file
. If this switch is not specified, lmgrd
looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
. If that is not set, lmgrd
looks for the file /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
-t timeout Specifies the timeout interval, in seconds, during which daemons must complete their connections to each other. The default value is 10 seconds. A larger value may be desirable if the daemons are being run on busy systems or a very heavily loaded network.
-s interval Specifies the log file times tamp interval, in minutes. The default is 360 minutes.
lmhostid (1)
lmstat (1)
provides information about the status of the server nodes, vendor daemons, vendor features, and users of each feature. Information can be optionally be qualified by specific server nodes, vendor daemons, or features.
lists the users of a specific feature, in much the same way as lmstat -f. lmlist
does not accept any command line options. In particular, it does not accept the -c
option; you must use the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable if you want lmlist
to use a license file other than/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
-c license_file Use the specified license_file
. If this switch is not specified, lmstat
looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
. If that environment variable is not set, lmstat
looks for the file/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
-f [feature] List all users of the specified feature(s).
-l [regular_expression] List all users of the features matching the given regular expression.
-s [server] Display the status of the specified server node(s).
-S [daemon] List all users of the specified daemon's features.
-t timeout Specifies the timeout interval, in seconds, during which daemons must complete their connections to each other. The default value is 10 seconds. A larger value may be desirable if the daemons are being run on busy systems or a very heavily loaded network.
lmremove (1)
allows the system administrator to remove a single user's license for a specified feature. This could be required in the case where the licensed user was running the software on a node that subsequently crashed. This situation will sometimes cause the license to remain unusable.
allows the license to return to the pool of available licenses.
-c license_file Use the specified license_file
. If this switch is not specified, lmremove
looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
. If that environment variable is not set, lmremove
looks for the file/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
. If no -c
option is specified, lmremove
looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
in order to find the license file to use. If that environment variable is not set, lmremove
looks for the file /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
lmreread (1)
allows the system administrator to tell the license daemon to reread the license file. This can be useful if the data in the license file has changed; the new data can be loaded into the license daemon without shutting down and restarting it.
uses the license file from the command line (or the default file, if none specified) only to find the license daemon to send it the command to reread the license file. The license daemon will always reread the original file that it loaded. If you need to change the path to the license file read by the license daemon, then you must shut down the daemon and restart it with that new license file path.
You can not use lmreread
if the SERVER node names or port numbers have been changed in the license file. In this case, you must shut down the daemon and restart it in order for those changes to take effect.
does not change any option information specified in an options file. If the new license file specifies a different options file, that information is ignored. If you need to reread the options file, you must shut down the daemon and restart it.
-c license_file Use the specified license_file
. If this switch is not specified, lmreread
looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
. If that environment variable is not set, lmreread
looks for the file/usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
. If no -c
option is specified, lmreread
looks for the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
in order to find the license file to use. If that environment variable is not set, lmreread
looks for the file /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
license.dat (5)
The license.dat
file contains the information used by the FLEXlm network licensing package to determine what licenses are available at a particular site. The license.dat
file contains the following information:
· list of features enabled for this site
· list of featureset lines for this site
Some of the information in the license file is changeable by the system administrator at the end-user site, allowing him or her to configure the licensed software to fit into the appropriate environment.
FLEXlm programs and routines find the license file by an algorithm. See Finding the License File .
Each line in the license.dat
file starts with a keyword which identifies the information on that line. The keyword is one of SERVER, DAEMON, FEATURE, or FEATURESET.
The SERVER line is of the form:
The hostids from all of the server lines are encrypted into the FEATURE lines, so they can not be changed by the site administrator. The optional port-number field can be changed at any time. This allows the site administrator to select a port number which does not conflict with the other services, software packages, or FLEXlm vendors on his system. The site administrator can also change the nodename if he wishes, as long as the hostid does not change. On sites with multiple redundant servers, one of the servers is selected as the master node. If the order of the server lines is the same in the license files for all of the redundant servers, then the first server in the list will be the master; otherwise, the server whose name is alphabetically first will be the master.
The DAEMON line is of the form:
The site administrator can change the path field, which allows him to place the vendor daemon in any convenient location. The site administrator can also change the location of the options-file, which describes various options that the site administrator can modify (see l icense.opts(5)
The FEATURE line describes the features that are enabled for this site. None of the information in the FEATURE line is changeable by the site administrator.
The FEATURESET line is a vendor-optional line; some vendors may choose to use this line, some may choose not to use it. The FEATURESET line encodes the encryption codes of all of the features for the specified vendor. This line is not changeable by the site administrator.
Finding the License File
Most programs which read the license.dat
file accept a command line option (typically -c
) which can be used to specify the location of the license file if other than /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license.dat
. If no command line switch is given, then the value of the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE
will be used to find the license file. If neither of these is specified, the default location, /usr/local/flexlm/licenses/license
. dat
, will be used.
environment variable can be used to specify a number of different license files. Set the environment variable to a single string that contains all of the license file paths separated by colons.
Here is an example of a license.dat
- SERVER pat 17003456 1700
- SERVER lee 17004355 1700
- SERVER terry 17007ea8 1700
- DAEMON GSI /etc/mydaemon
- FEATURE great_program gsi 1.000 01-jan-1989 10\ 1EF890030EABF324 ""
- FEATURE greater_program gsi 1.000 01-jan-1989 10\ 0784561FE98BA073 ""
This example illustrates the license file for a single vendor with two features, and a set of three server nodes, any two of which must be running for the system to function.
license.opt (5)
The license.opt
file contains optional information supplied by the system administrator at the end-user site. This information can be used to tailor the behavior of the license daemons. The options file can contain the following information:
· reserved license information
Lines beginning with an octothorp (#) are ignored, and can be used as comments.
There is no default location or name for the options file; it is only active if it has been specified in the license
. dat
file as the fourth argument on the DAEMON line. Note that if there are multiple DAEMON lines in the license
file, then there can be multiple options files, one for each DAEMON line. Not all of the lines in an options file refer to a feature, so the site administrator MUST set up separate options files in order to use the NOLOG and REPORTLOG features.
Each line in the options file starts with a keyword which identifies the information on that line. The keyword is one of RESERVE, NOLOG, GROUP, INCLUDE, EXCLUDE, TIMEOUT, or REPORTLOG.
The RESERVE line is of the form:
The RESERVE command reserves the specified number of licenses for the specified user, host, display, or group.
Note: Reserving a license decreases the number of generally available licenses.
The NOLOG line is of the form:
NOLOG causes messages of the specified type to be filtered out of the daemon's log file. Specifying a NOLOG option will reduce the amount of output to the log file, which can be useful in those cases where the log file grows too quickly.
The GROUP line is of the form:
The GROUP command is used to define collections of users, which can then be used in RESERVE, INCLUDE, or EXCLUDE commands.
The INCLUDE and EXCLUDE commands are of the form:
INCLUDE and EXCLUDE are used to specify which users (or hosts, displays, or groups) are allowed to use a particular feature. Any user who is EXCLUDEd from a feature will not be able to use that feature. Specifying an INCLUDE line has the effect of excluding everyone else from that feature; thus, only those users specifically INCLUDEd will be able to use that feature.
The TIMEOUT line is of the form:
The TIMEOUT command is used to set up a minimum idle time after which a user will lose his license if he is not using it. This allows the site administrator to prevent users from wasting a license (by keeping it checked out when they are not using it) when someone else wants a license.
The REPORTLOG line is of the form:
REPORTLOG tells the daemon that to create a log file suitable for use with the FLEXlm report writing tools. This log file maintains more detailed information than the standard log file, but is not meant to be human readable. If the filename starts with a plus character (+), the file will be opened in append mode.