
This document uses the following terms:


Move the cursor over an object, press a mouse button, and immediately release the mouse button. When the button is unspecified, assume mouse button one (typically the left mouse button).


A group of related user interface objects saved to the Builder Xcessory Palette for reuse. Collections can include any UI object supported by Builder Xcessory, including widgets, gadgets, C++ classes, ViewKit components, or Java (AWT) classes.


A user interface object, generally used in the context of ViewKit classes. ViewKit components generally consist of collections of Motif widgets along with code to implement general or specific functionality, encapsulated into a C++ class subclassed from an element of the ViewKit application framework.


A graphical image appearing on the screen which reacts to the movements of a mouse or other pointing device. In the Builder Xcessory, the cursor appears as an angle bracket when creating a widget, and an arrow when selecting a pull-down menu or menu item. During a drag and drop operation, it appears as an icon reflecting the type of object dragged and the target over which it is positioned.


Press a mouse button, then move the mouse without releasing the button. Typically followed with a drop operation. The phrase, "drag on to" indicates a drag and drop operation. Use MB2 to perform a drag and drop operation, unless otherwise specified.


Release the mouse button after positioning the mouse (and screen object) as desired. Typically follows a dragoperation. The phrase, "drop on to" indicates a drag and drop operation. Use MB2 to perform a drag and drop operation, unless otherwise specified.


Type a new value and press the Enter key.


A user interface object built upon the Xt Intrinsics (the X Toolkit). Similar to a widget, a gadget lacks certain data structures (such as a window) contained in a widget. The gadget maintains this data on the client side, rather than on the server, as does a widget. Although seldom used with today's server performance levels, gadgets remain supported by BX.


Specifies the currently selected language for code generation.

MB1, MB2 and MB3

Mouse buttons one, two, and three. Typically, MB1 is the left-most button, MB3, the right-most. On a two-button mouse, MB2 is most commonly emulated by pressing both buttons simultaneously. For actions described as "click," assume MB1.

MB3 Quick Access menu

This menu is invoked by pressing MB3 while the mouse pointer is positioned over an object on the display. The contents of the menu depend on the type of object pointed to and the window in which you access the menu.

UI object

A reusable software entity with a user interface (UI), or visible, aspect. A generic term for the various objects that are manipulated with Builder Xcessory. UI objects include widgets, related collections of widgets, C++ classes, ViewKit components, and Java (AWT) classes. The term object and the term UI object are interchangeable.

Paste buffer

Cache into which a cut or copied object is placed. Also called a cut buffer.


To change the height and/or width of an object.


A user preference specification that controls elements of an application that can be customized by the user.


To choose an object to be acted upon or an action to be performed; accomplished by clicking mouse button one on an object or menu item.


A single, continuous working session, from the time you start Builder Xcessory from the command line, or from another tool, to the time you select Exit from the Browser's File menu.


A user interface object built upon the Xt Intrinsics (the X Toolkit). Motif user interface objects are widgets.

