This document uses the following notation conventions:
The syntax {BX}
r7fers to the directory into which Builder Xcessory is installed. The default directory is the following:
Most index entries are in lowercase:
- messages
- hiding and viewing 15
- message area 16
Entries capitalized in Builder Xcessory are capitalized in the index:
- Build Mode 15
- Force to Selected Tree 161
Builder Xcessory supports multiple programming languages. Not all explanations or examples are applicable to all languages. The following icons indicate sections specific to particular languages:
Note: Information that applies to all Motif environments does not use icons. In text, Motif refers to C, C++, ViewKit, and UIL, but not Java.
The following two types of lists present procedures:
1. Numbered lists present steps to perform in sequence.
· Bulleted lists present alternate methods.
Objects are indicated as follows:
· Palette collection names are capitalized words with intercaps:
Form or PushButton
· Instance names are lowercase words with intercaps:
form or pushButton
· Class names are capitalized words with intercaps:
Test or MyClass
Menu Notation
To indicate menus and menu options, the following format is sometimes used:
menu_item(or dialog_selection)
For example, Browser:File:Exit is the Exit selection from the File menu of the Browser window.
· Literals such as file names, directory paths, code and text as typed on the command line are printed in Courier font:
- .bxrc
- XmAnyCallbackStruct *acs = (XmAnyCallbackStruct*)call_data;
· Text preceded by a % denotes text to enter on the command line:
- % bx
· Book titles, chapter names, and section names appear in italic:
- Builder Xcessory Reference Manual
- "Tutorial One: Simple Actions" on page 162
· The main windows of Builder Xcessory are capitalized as follows:
- Palette
- Browser
- Resource Editor