Notation Conventions


This document uses the following notation conventions:


The syntax {BX} r7fers to the directory into which Builder Xcessory is installed. The default directory is the following:



Most index entries are in lowercase:

hiding and viewing 15
message area 16

Entries capitalized in Builder Xcessory are capitalized in the index:

Build Mode 15
Force to Selected Tree 161


Builder Xcessory supports multiple programming languages. Not all explanations or examples are applicable to all languages. The following icons indicate sections specific to particular languages:



Note: Information that applies to all Motif environments does not use icons. In text, Motif refers to C, C++, ViewKit, and UIL, but not Java.


The following two types of lists present procedures:

1. Numbered lists present steps to perform in sequence.

· Bulleted lists present alternate methods.


Objects are indicated as follows:

· Palette collection names are capitalized words with intercaps:
Form or PushButton

· Instance names are lowercase words with intercaps:
form or pushButton

· Class names are capitalized words with intercaps:
Test or MyClass

Menu Notation

To indicate menus and menu options, the following format is sometimes used:

BX_window_name : menu_name : menu_item(or dialog_selection)

For example, Browser:File:Exit is the Exit selection from the File menu of the Browser window.


· Literals such as file names, directory paths, code and text as typed on the command line are printed in Courier font:

XmAnyCallbackStruct *acs = (XmAnyCallbackStruct*)call_data;

· Text preceded by a % denotes text to enter on the command line:

% bx

· Book titles, chapter names, and section names appear in italic:

Builder Xcessory Reference Manual
"Tutorial One: Simple Actions" on page 162

· The main windows of Builder Xcessory are capitalized as follows:

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