Builder Xcessory tailors itself to your development environment, and is just one of the many tools that you use during the design, implementation, and maintenance of your application. This section describes how to integrate Builder Xcessory with other tools.
Integrating Builder Xcessory with Your Environment
Builder Xcessory is one of many tools that can be used in the design and implementation of an application. Rather than attempting to provide the entire environment for application development, Builder Xcessory integrates with the tools in your own environment.
Sun, SGI, and DEC
If you use SunSoft Workshop, Silicon Graphics Developer Magic or DEC FUSE you can install Builder Xcessory into your environment. You can then access the tools in your environment from within Builder Xcessory. Integrating with these tools greatly expands the capabilities and usefulness of Builder Xcessory when used throughout a project cycle.
Environment services
The following table provides an overview of the environment services available from Builder Xcessory and the conditions under which they are available:
Once installed in your development environment, you can start Builder Xcessory, use Builder Xcessory to work on user interface design, and access other development tools in your environment directly from Builder Xcessory. For example, you might start up Builder Xcessory from your environment and design a small portion of a user interface, test it in Play Mode, use your environment's debugger to debug it, and then return to Builder Xcessory to continue working on your user interface design.
Using Builder Xcessory with Your Tools
Before you can use Builder Xcessory with the tools in your development environment, you must first install Builder Xcessory into your environment. Refer to the Builder Xcessory Installation Notes for a detailed description of the installation process.
Using Builder Xcessory with DEC FUSE Tools
The DEC FUSE tools are launched from a small control panel. The tools use DEC MCMS (MultiCasting Message Service) as the underlying message layer.
To use Builder Xcessory with DEC FUSE tools, select Builder Xcessory from the control panel Tools menu.
Note: If you wish to use Builder Xcessory with DEC FUSE tools, you must start Builder Xcessory from the DEC FUSE control panel. There is no command-line switch to allow Builder Xcessory to initialize DEC FUSE communication.
Using Builder Xcessory with SunSoft Workshop Tools
The SunSoft Workshop tools can be used separately or from a small tool control panel. The tools use ToolTalk as a system for passing messages.
To start Builder Xcessory with SunSoft Workshop tools, use one of the following methods:
· Double-click on the Builder Xcessory icon in the Workshop Manager.
· Start Builder Xcessory from the command line with the -workshop
flag. This flag tells Builder Xcessory to initialize ToolTalk messaging with the Workshop messages.
Note: When working with Workshop, you need to launch Builder Xcessory from Workshop in order to control the Builder Xcessory windows from the Workshop Manager.
Using Builder Xcessory with Developer Magic
The SGI Developer Magic tools can be invoked separately or from a small tool control panel. The tools use ToolTalk as a system for passing messages. For example, the debugger can tell the editor to load a file.
To start Builder Xcessory with Developer Magic, use one of the following methods:
· Select Builder Xcessory from the Launch menu of any of the Developer Magic tools.
· Start Builder Xcessory from the command line with the -devmagic
flag. This flag tells Builder Xcessory to initialize ToolTalk messaging with the Developer Magic messages.
From your environment manager, you can stop, iconify, and deiconify Builder Xcessory. You can also raise Builder Xcessory windows.
Note: Unless otherwise noted, all customization options are saved between invocations of Builder Xcessory.
Designing Your Application in an Integrated Environment
The steps for building an application are basically the same, regardless of whether you use Builder Xcessory from a development environment or whether you use Builder Xcessory independently:
· When using Builder Xcessory with a development environment, you can use that environment's build or make tool.
· When using Builder Xcessory independently, you can use Code/ObjectCenter on Sun platforms to manage the make. Otherwise, you must manually run the make command at a UNIX prompt.
Selecting a build or make tool
When developing an application in Builder Xcessory, you can use your environment's build or make tool at any time. You must tell Builder Xcessory which tool you want to use, verify that your makefile parameters are correct, and then execute a build of your application.
To use your environment's build or make tool, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Tools Customization dialog.
2. If you use your environment's build or make tool, skip to step 4.
3. If you want to use CodeCenter or ObjectCenter to manage the build instead of the environment-provided tool, select Use CenterLine Tools from the Debugger and Build Manager tab (see Debugger & Build Manager with Centerline Defaults ).
Debugger & Build Manager with Centerline Defaults
Note: If you are using a CenterLine tool to manage the build, the language you chose specifies the command line used to start the tool. (Generating C or UIL/C uses the C command. Generating C++ or ViewKit uses the C++ command.)
4. Verify the make parameters by selecting Code Generation Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Code Generation Preferences dialog, and then clicking the Makefile tab ( Makefile Tab on the Language Settings Dialog ).
Makefile Tab on the Language Settings Dialog
5. Change any incorrect parameters.
6. To execute a build of your application, select Make Application from the Browser Project menu.
Note: If you are using Builder Xcessory outside of a development environment and Code/ObjectCenter is not available on your platform, Make Application is not available. Instead, you must run the make command manually.
Builder Xcessory actions
When you perform the preceding steps, Builder Xcessory:
· Generates all source code and files in the language you specified.
· Tells your environment to begin a build through that environment's build manager or make tool.
· Reports the status of the build in the Browser message window.
This example assumes you are using Builder Xcessory with DEC FUSE, Developer Magic, or Workshop, and you are ready to execute a build of your application in C. (The procedure is similar in other languages.)
To execute the build, follow these steps:
1. Select Code Generation Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Code Generation Preferences dialog.
3. Verify the parameters on the Makefile Customization dialog.
4. Select Make Application from the Browser Project menu.
Note: If the DEC FUSE Builder is not already running, it starts automatically. The first time it runs, you must enter the Makefile name in the configuration dialog. In any subsequent session it is not necessary to enter the Makefile name.
While your application is building, any related messages are displayed in the message area of the DEC FUSE Builder, Developer Magic Build View, or Workshop MakeTool.
This example assumes you are using Builder Xcessory without a development environment, and you are ready to execute a build of your application in C++. (The procedure is similar in other languages.)
To execute the build, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Tools Customization dialog.
2. Click on the Debugger & Manager tab ( Debugger & Build Manager Tab on the Tools Customization Dialog ):
Debugger & Build Manager Tab on the Tools Customization Dialog
3. Select Use CenterLine Tools from the Debugger & Build Manager tab.
4. Select Code Generation Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Code Generation Preferences dialog.
5. Click on the Makefile tab ( Makefile Tab on the Language Settings Dialog ):
Makefile Tab on the Language Settings Dialog
6. Verify the C++ parameters on the Makefile tab.
7. Select Make Application from the Browser Project menu.
8. Use Code/ObjectCenter to manage the make.
Note: On platforms that support Code/ObjectCenter, you can use Code/ObjectCenter instead of the environment's make manager.
While your application is building, messages are displayed in the Browser message area.
Using a Debugger
While you are developing your application, you can debug it at any time without leaving Builder Xcessory.
If you are using Builder Xcessory with SunSoft Workshop or Silicon Graphics Developer Magic, you can access that environment's debugging tool or a CenterLine debugger.
If you are using Builder Xcessory on HP-UX platforms, CenterLine is the only debugger available.
Using your environment's debugger
To start your environment's debugger from Builder Xcessory, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Tools Customization dialog.
2. Click on the Debugger & Build Manager tab.
3. On the Debugger & Build Manager tab, choose Use Environment Tools from the option menu.
Note: Select Use CenterLine Tools if you prefer to use CodeCenter or ObjectCenter rather than your environment's debugger.
4. To start your debugger, select Debug Mode from the Browser Project menu.
When you perform this procedure, Builder Xcessory:
· Generates all source code and files in the language you specified.
When the build is complete, Builder Xcessory loads the executable file into your environment's debugger, which is displayed on your screen.
This example assumes you are using Builder Xcessory with SunSoft Workshop, and you are ready to execute a build of your application in C++.
To execute the build, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Tools Customization dialog:
Tools Customization Dialog
2. Select Use Environment Tools from the Debugger option menu.
3. Select Debug Mode from the Browser Project menu.
Builder Xcessory generates the code and files in C++, and causes the code to be built. The executable file is then loaded into Workshop' Debugger and displayed on your screen.
Using the CenterLine debugger
To start either of the CenterLine debuggers from Builder Xcessory, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Tools Customization dialog.
2. Click on the Debugger and Build Manager tab.
3. In the Debugger & Build Manager section of the Tools Customization dialog, set the Execute CenterLine Command toggle to the desired value.
- Setting the toggle causes Builder Xcessory to try to start a CenterLine tool if Builder Xcessory cannot communicate with a currently running process.
- Unsetting the toggle causes Builder Xcessory to cease attempting to communicate with a currently running process.
4. Check the message and command input fields and make any changes.
5. To start either of the CenterLine debuggers, select Debug Mode from the Browser Project menu.
When you perform this procedure, Builder Xcessory:
· Generates all necessary source code and files in the language specified.
· Sends the C or C++ Message to Code/ObjectCenter, which by default causes Code/ObjectCenter to load and run the application.
Accessing Source Code Control Systems
While using Builder Xcessory, you can check out and check in files from a source code control system without exiting Builder Xcessory. If you are using Builder Xcessory from a development environment, you can access that environment's source code control system. If using Builder Xcessory as a stand-alone program, you can use RCS, CMS, SCCS, ClearCase, or a system you specify. If properly configured, Builder Xcessory can automatically check out UIL files under Source Control.
Regardless of whether you are using Builder Xcessory with a development environment or not, the steps you take to select and use a source code control system are the same.
Selecting a Source Code Control System
To select a source code control system from Builder Xcessory, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Tools Customization dialog ( Tools Customization Dialog).
2. On the Source Code Control tab of the Tools Customization dialog, choose the name of the system you want to use from the option menu. The default option is Unset .
3. If you want Builder Xcessory to automatically ask you whether or not to try to check out read-only UIL files when they are read in, set the Check Out Read- Only Files toggle. Otherwise, Builder Xcessory will read the file but not overwrite it.
4. Check that the commands displayed on this dialog are correct. If you want to make any changes, enter them directly in each input field.
Note: The commands text fields are only sensitive if the Source Code Control option is set to a source control system . For more information, see Editing the Commands for Source Code Control .
Editing the Commands for Source Code Control
If you have chosen a Source Code Control option, the text fields for the source code control commands will be sensitive. This section describes the edits you may want to make to those commands.
Any commands you enter in the command text fields should be suitable for passing to sh -c
. The commands should also require no user intervention.
Builder Xcessory processes the command before executing it, in order to substitute any options you set on the Check In and Check Out dialogs (Browser:Project). (These dialogs are discussed in detail in Using a Source Code Control System .)
Entering a new source control command
Use the following notation to enter a new source code control command:
- %file[option_specification %s]
- %overwrite[option_specification]
- %version[option_specification %s]
- %keep[option_specification]
- %comments[option_specification %s]
Builder Xcessory will copy option_specification and add the text in %s
when one of the above options is indicated from the Check In or Check Out dialogs.
For example, you can specify a version string for a file in both the Check In or Check Out dialogs. How this string is passed to the source code control commands varies from system to system. Suppose the check out command for the source code control system you are using is check_out
, and in order to specify a version to check out you would enter:
In Builder Xcessory you would enter:
When Builder Xcessory attempts to check out a file, it looks for %version
in the command string. If you have specified a version string in the dialog, Builder Xcessory will add the option you specified within the square brackets and replace the %s
with the string entered in the Check Out dialog.
Using a Source Code Control System
This section describes first how to check a file out of source code control, then how to check it back in.
Checking a
file out
To check a file out of source code control, follow these steps:
1. Select Check Out Source from the Browser Project menu to display the Check Out dialog:
Check Out Dialog
2. Set or remove any check out options you want.
- You can choose one of the following options:
- · Lock a file when you check it out
- · Check out a read-only version
- · Remove a lock that you have set
- In addition, you can specify a version string number, or overwrite a read-write version of a file that is currently checked out.
3. Navigate through your directory structure in the Directories window of the dialog, if the directory you want is not already displayed.
4. Select the file you want to check out from the Files window in the dialog. The full pathname of the file you selected is now displayed in the Selection input field.
Checking a
file in
Once you have finished modifying a file, you will need to check the updated version back into your source code control system. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Select Check In Source from the Browser Project menu. This displays the Check In dialog, as shown in Check In Dialog .
Check In Dialog
2. Select the file name you want to check in from the list of files displayed.
3. Specify comments for your modifications in the comments field.
4. If you want to keep a read-only copy of the file, set the Keep File Copy toggle.
This example assumes you are using Builder Xcessory without an external development environment, and you are ready to check a file out of SCCS, modify the file, and check it back into SCCS.
Selecting SCCS as the source code control system
To select SCCS as your source code control system, use the following steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu.
2. In the Source Code Control option menu, choose Use SCCS .
3. Check that the commands displayed on this dialog are correct.
Checking a file out of SCCS
To check a file out of SCCS, use the following steps:
1. Select Check Out Source from the Browser Project menu.
2. Set the Check Out Locked toggle on the Check Out dialog.
3. Set the Overwrite Existing File toggle on the Check Out dialog.
4. Navigate through your directory structure in the Directories window of the dialog, if the directory you want is not already displayed.
5. Select the file you want to check out from the Files window in the dialog.
Checking a file in to SCCS
After modifying the file, use the following steps to check in back into SCCS:
1. Select Check In Source from the Browser Project menu.
2. Select the file name you want to check in from the list of files displayed.
3. Document the changes you have made to the file in the comments field.
4. To check the file back in, click on Apply .
Using a Memory-Access Error-Checking Tool
You can also specify a memory error-checking tool to use with your code.
Note: The only error-checking tools currently available for Builder Xcessory are Purify and MemAdvisor.
Selecting an error-checking tool
To specify an error-checking tool, follow these steps:
1. Select Tools Preferences from the Browser Options menu to display the Tools Customization dialog.
2. Click on the Test Tools tab ( Test Tools Panel on the Tools Customization Dialog ):
Test Tools Panel on the Tools Customization Dialog
3. On the Test Tools tab of the Tools Customization dialog, select Purify Command, MemAdvisor Command, or Other Command.
to an error-
checking tool
When you select a test tool, Builder Xcessory adds targets for that tool to the makefile. When you build your code, you can use the pure target to build an instrumented version of your application. When you run your application, the error-checking tool provides information about memory usage and errors in the object code. The executable provides information about memory leaks and accesses.
Using Builder Xcessory with Emacs
Using emacsclient
Builder Xcessory uses the tool emacsclient
to tell Emacs to load a file and display the buffer. Emacs must be running. Builder Xcessory issues a request of this "Edit Server". By default, Emacs is not configured to run as a server. In order for the emacsclient
tool to work, you must add the following Emacs Lisp command to your .emacs
file (the file that emacs
runs at startup):
Enter this line exactly as shown, including parentheses. Once Emacs loads and executes the .emacs
file again (usually when it starts), it recognizes edit requests from emacsclient
Running Emacs with emacsclient
requires that the emacsclient
executable and Emacs executable be run on the same machine. The socket that emacsclient
uses to communicate with emacs
is a local socket.
Using gnuclient
To enable emacs
to run on one system and the client program to make edit requests from another system, you can use gnuclient. gnuclient
works similarly to emacsclient
, but also includes the following features:
· The -q
option forces gnuclient
to send its edit request but not wait for the request to complete. The gnuclient
process exits as soon as it sends the edit request.
· The gnuclient
software includes the ability to specify another host on which emacs
is running and to make the edit request on that machine.
The gnuclient
software is available with FTP from most GNU Emacs Lisp archive sites. To use gnuclient
/ gnuserv
, include the following in the .emacs