What is the command for mapping/unmapping?

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What is the command for mapping/unmapping?

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 08/21/2002 - 01:38. Developers
Hi, Guys

I have a design that needs to switch between 2 modes. But the form that includes the labels and the dialogs shrinks or expands as those labels and dialog go away or reappear.

I think this is because I use the function XtManageChild/XtUnmanageChild to inform the X server to remap the widgets from the top level.

If I don`t want the form to "blink" when I change the mode, which function should I use to map/unmap.



What is the command for mapping/unmapping?
You can unmanage the outermost widget enclosing your interface and then remanage it when the changes are complete.

Note that an interface that changes so much may be confusing to the user.