Underlining text in 1.2

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Underlining text in 1.2

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 01/02/2002 - 13:30. Developers
I would like to underline text in a label widget. The only method I can see is using
XmStringDrawUnderline. Is there a way to simply create a compound text string that
includes the underlining, perhaps with a carraige return?

Andy Robertson


I don`t believe so. This problem was solved in Motif 2.0 with the use of RenderTables, in which the text is carried along with its characteristics, such that text segments can be displayed in various colors and with various fonts and other attributes. For 1.2, you`d have to use various work-arounds that require too much knowledge of XmLabel`s internals -- or bypass the usefulness of XmLabel completely by making a label yourself out of other widgets or pixmaps.