Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 08/21/2001 - 00:05. Developers
Ok, this may be a really brain-dead question, but I`m having a lot of problems getting my environment set up correctly.
I`m trying to run the demo program helloint in red-flag linux (using the open-motif distribution). Whenever I try to run it, however, I get the following error
Warning I18OpenFile Could not open file helloint.uid - MrmNOT_FOUND
Error Can`t open hierarchy
My environment settings are as follows
(All as specified by the readme`s, or so I thought).
Somebody please help.
Ok, it was an easy question. The path name should have had the following form
for the demo program to work.
%U being substituted for the uid file name at run time and %L being substituted with the LANG environment variable.