ToolTips... 2 Questions...

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ToolTips... 2 Questions...

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/12/2004 - 20:18.

(1.) Is there a way to tell if a Widget has a ToolTip associated with it?
(2.) Is there a way to set ToolTips on a scrolled list?

Fri, 04/30/2004 - 08:46#1

Fri, 04/30/2004 - 08:46#1


Re: ToolTips... 2 Questions...

darek wrote:

(1.) Is there a way to tell if a Widget has a ToolTip associated with it?

Yes, look at OpenMotif's tooltip demo.

darek wrote:

(2.) Is there a way to set ToolTips on a scrolled list?
