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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/12/2001 - 17:26. Developers
Hello all,

anybody have a hint on this?

I have a c/c++ program that takes fairly long
to produce it`s results. I want to update
a status bar with a `Percentage complete` from
the C-routine, so the user doesn`t get upset
and thinks the program died on him/her.

My idea is to pop up a motif widget with a label
that gets updated every n lines with a text

" lines of processed"

The thing is, there is no XtAppMainLoop() so
my widgets never get to the screen...

How do I go about that???

Somehow I think it ought to be easy and it`s
just me, missing something.



Dominic, meet ndt_69, who asks essentially the same question in another message in this forum (http// Basically, you can handle the calculations in another thread or process; you can break them up into pieces by using work-procedures; or you can make calls to update the screen during the calculations, as the article at http// mentions (but note the caveats).