Scrollbar length

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Scrollbar length

Submitted by machnone on Tue, 08/14/2001 - 21:12. Developers
Is there a limimt to how much data can be stuffed into a frame using an XmScrollBar? It seems like once the XmNvalue field of the scrollbar reaches 32768 (2 to the 15th power) the scrollbar cannot grow any longer. The text that goes in just gets pushed to one side out of view, and the scrollbar goes back to its beginning size.
Is there any way around this size limitation?


Not really. The value Dimension has a certain limit, and you`ve hit it. In any case, the XmScrollBar doesn`t offer sufficiently fine detail to allow your users to choose values in that range; each little movement of the thumb may jump the value by 50 or 100.

You can use one of these other means
- a type-in field. Validate the value.
- the spin-box.
- multiple scrollbars i.e. one for the thousands, one for the values 0..999.