Resize handles

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Resize handles

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 11/15/2001 - 10:03. Developers
Is it possible to remove the chunky padded corners (i.e. resize handles) from an existing toplevel for which I`ve got an Xlib window id (not a Motif or Xt widget handle); and if so, how ?



The window manager deals only in window terms, not in widgets, so you are fine. And one program can affect another`s windows and properties on them, so you can do this. In short, you need to use XChangeProperty() to affect the appropriate property and set the value appropriately. The trick, though, is that you typically don`t deal with these values directly. For a hint, use "xprop" on the window or another window to see the private property -- and now I forget the name, but it is something along the lines of _WM_MWM_DECORATIONS -- and combine that information with the man pages that describe XmNmwmDecorations.


In addition, mwm lets the user set these preferences. Check the mwm man page for the clientDecorations resource.