Option Menu Selection

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Option Menu Selection

Option Menu

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 06/19/2003 - 21:00.

I create a bunch of option menus which I all funnel to the same activateCallback. In the activate callback I wish to get the value of the option menu which was just selected. I thought I could do this be doing a

XmNlabelString, &buf,

where selection is the widget passed to the activate callback, which I am assuming is the push button that was selected.

What am I doing wrong? Is there a better way to do this?


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Mon, 06/23/2003 - 11:27#1


Option Menu Selection

I`m not sure if you`re looking for the choice or for the "parent" XmOptionMenu. If the former, perhaps the data supplied in the XmRowColumnCallbackStruct is what you`re looking for; if the latter, you can use client_data to differentiate among the various option menus.