Labels and Pixmaps on a button

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Labels and Pixmaps on a button

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 08/02/2001 - 22:15. Developers
I would like to make a button and place some text and a pixmap on that button.
Is it possible to create a child widget for a button that can manage more than one widget?
I tried adding a frame to a pixmap and got a core dump.
I could edit my pixmaps to include text directly but then I need
two pixmaps one with and one without text.

Any help would be appreciated.

Andy Robertson


There is a widget in the EPak set from ICS (http// does exactly that -- the XiIconButton. It allows for both label and pixmap, or one or the other, with a choice of orientation.

Alternatively, you could use the XmNlabelPixmap image on an XmLabel and superimpose the text.

Or you could embed the text into the pixmap and use that as the XmNlabelPixmap.