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Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 11/16/2001 - 02:44.

I have some code to display chinese text in motif widgets. It worked correctly in a RedFlag (chinese) version of Linux. I`m trying to use the same code in Red Hat linux 7.2 (after enabling a chinese language environment) but he text in the widgets does not appear.

Here is a code example

xm_ok_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("???");
xm_cancel_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("???");
xm_apply_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("???????");
xm_help_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("????");
xm_filter_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("????????");
xm_dir_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("?¼??");
xm_files_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("?????");
xm_selection_string = XmStringCreateLocalized("????????");

XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNdialogTitle, xm_title_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNokLabelString, xm_ok_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNcancelLabelString, xm_cancel_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNapplyLabelString, xm_apply_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNfilterLabelString, xm_filter_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNdirListLabelString, xm_dir_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNlistLabelString, xm_files_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNselectionLabelString, xm_selection_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNhelpLabelString, xm_help_string); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNlabelFontList, label_fontlist); arg_cnt++;
XtSetArg(arg[arg_cnt], XmNbuttonFontList, label_fontlist); arg_cnt++;

FsBoxWidget = XmCreateFileSelectionDialog(parent, title, arg, arg_cnt);

I`m desperately hoping that somebody out there is working with i18n systems and can help me.
