hide the title bar from my application

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hide the title bar from my application

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/12/2003 - 12:40.

Hi there!

I?m developing an application using Digital UNIX/Tru64 4.0f with Motif 1.2 libraries like graphic interface.

My problem is that I need to hide de title bar from my application the bar where maximize,restore and close icons are localized.

Anybody knows how can I resolve this problem? I thought it would be easy, but I was wrong;I?m looking for a code solution or the way to delete the title bar from the own UNIX configuration file.

Could be "the right configuration" of Window Manager (UWM,TWM,MWM)a good idea?
In the site http//www.netsweng.com/~anderson/talks/xclass/windowmgr.html, says that UWM have `No Client Decoration`(title bars,frames...),is this window manager compatible with Motif?

Thanks a lot and best regards!

Fri, 09/12/2003 - 16:10#1

Fri, 09/12/2003 - 16:10#1


hide the title bar from my application

Hi pokemamon,

do this , i have done this for my dialog and this works

void DialogGUISetDialogDecorations(int decorNumber)

int c = 0;
Arg args[10];

// XtVaSetValues(_Dilog,
// XmNmwmDecorations, MWM_DECOR_BORDER,
// XmNmwmDecorations, 0,
// NULL);

// XtVaSetValues(_Dilog, XmNmwmDecorations, 0, NULL);

XtSetArg(args[c], XmNdialogStyle, XmDIALOG_FULL_APPLICATION_MODAL); c++;
XtSetArg(args[c], XmNborderWidth, 1); c++;
XtSetArg(args[c], XmNmwmDecorations, 0); c++;

XtSetValues(_Dilog, args, c);

#ifdef _OS_LINUX

XmNbackground, 0x999999,
XmNbackground, 0x999999,
XmNbackground, 0x999999,


forget about the commented lines, " XmNmwmDecorations, 0 " will
help you.


Thu, 09/18/2003 - 11:26#2

Thu, 09/18/2003 - 11:26#2


hide the title bar from my application

You face a common problem that reflects the split between the application and the window manager. The window manager manages the various application`s windows, whatever is going on in them. As an application developer, you don`t know much about what the window manager does or looks like; the choice of window managers is up to the end-user. The choice may not even support title-bars, which are not part of the ICCCM describing window managers` responsibilities.

So, in short, you can`t do it. You should figure out first why you need to remove these decorations. Are you trying to restrict the user from doing something which is entirely reasonable? There may be another way to preserve the functioning of your application. And, secondly, you can provide hints to the window manager. If mwm is operating, use XmNmwmDecorations; heck, just set it anyway, and other window managers will ignore that property on the window.

PS uwm is too outdated to use.

Thu, 09/18/2003 - 11:26#3

Thu, 09/18/2003 - 11:26#3


hide the title bar from my application

You face a common problem that reflects the split between the application and the window manager. The window manager manages the various application`s windows, whatever is going on in them. As an application developer, you don`t know much about what the window manager does or looks like; the choice of window managers is up to the end-user. The choice may not even support title-bars, which are not part of the ICCCM describing window managers` responsibilities.

So, in short, you can`t do it. You should figure out first why you need to remove these decorations. Are you trying to restrict the user from doing something which is entirely reasonable? There may be another way to preserve the functioning of your application. And, secondly, you can provide hints to the window manager. If mwm is operating, use XmNmwmDecorations; heck, just set it anyway, and other window managers will ignore that property on the window.

PS uwm is too outdated to use.

Wed, 09/24/2003 - 06:48#4

Wed, 09/24/2003 - 06:48#4


hide the title bar from my application


I have also done this in Motif 1.2.
it is possible to ask the Window manager not to add any decorations to your application window.
You do that using the Motif resource XmNoverrideRedirect. Its best you read about this resource in motif books.

Here is what you add to the code before creating a dialog/application shell

Int c=0;
Arg args[10];

XtSetArg(args[c],XmNoverrideRedirect, True); c++;

Good luck