Gadget colors in Motif 2.1

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Gadget colors in Motif 2.1

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/06/2002 - 14:41. Developers
In Motif 2.1, gadgets no longer inherit from their parent, but instead inherit from the closest ancestor with the XmNspecifyRenderTableTrait set (according to a Sun bug report). I can find no documentation on this resource. The problem (which others have reported) is that if you try and set foreground and background colors of a radio box, checkbox, etc. the foreground doesn`t work and the background is just a border around the box. I tried to implement a render table by following examples from a Motif 2.1 manual, however it didn`t make a bit of a difference. Playing around with a test program, I have found if I set the colors before either a)entering the main app loop or b)before making a dialog visible, the colors do not work properly. However, if I do it afterwards, they work fine. Does anyone have any insight into this? I don`t understand the render tables and what they should do for me, and I don`t understand why it works AFTER making my dialog or application visible.
