Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 07/19/2001 - 20:55. Developers
Hello all,
I have one question. I can change default XmNfilterLabelString "Filter" but I cannot change its font. How can I change font in label_filter?
for example
message_string = XmStringCreateLtoR ("No Filter", XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET);
XtSetArg (args[n], XmNfilterLabelString , message_string); n++;
dialog = XmCreateFileSelectionBox(widget, "dialog", args, 1);
XtManageChild (dialog);
n = 0;
label_filter = XmFileSelectionBoxGetChild (dialog, XmDIALOG_FILTER_LABEL);
XtManageChild (label_filter);?
There are several ways.
I just getting into this stuff myself but
Instead of using XmStringCreateLtoR use
XmStringGenerate(XtPointer text,
XmStringTag tag,
XmTextType type,
XmStringTag rendition);
This will attach the "rendition" method to the compound string element, in which you can define your desired font style.