Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 04/13/2001 - 18:44. Developers
In the windows world the file browsers used for saving / creating new files, usually include an option to make a new folder/directory. Has anybody extended the default file dialoge to
include that capability. I can`t believe that no on else has wanted to do this, so being
a lazy cuss, I thought I`d try and use someone else`s hard work!
Andy Robertson
Mon, 07/02/2012 - 13:47
FileSelectDialog with Make New Directory
There is a lot of places the motif file selection box can be improved. First of all when you are in one directory, you want to go to another directory, you have to go up to the parent one by one, this is kind of slow. Secondly, you can not select multiple files. I have created a special file selection dialog, whcih has these features, I also plan to do what you pointed here too. Screen shot can be found here
Sounds good!
Note that the XmFSB has hooks which allow you to attach functions to do some of these things. Whenever the user interacts with the widget, a function in the application can be called; and the application can do things, such as create the directories that are mentioned in the selected text.
Hello, Chuguang He
Your file selection box surely looks
insteresting. Do you plan to release its
code under LGPL or something like that?
Is it a proper Widget or not?
I have looked at the picture at
and I have some comments.
Firstly - I think all fields should be checked
for maximum necessary width and adapted to that
size. The directory tree area in your picture
is too wide. Then, I think both horizontal and
vertical scrollbars in file list area is not a
good idea, since all that information does not
have a lot of meaning if filenames ar not visible.
The OK button on the bottom right seems to
conflict the Motif style guide. OK should be
on the left, Cancel on the right. If you
wanted to imitate Windows, then OK should be
on top, and Cancel on bottom.
While on topic of Windows - they have a nice
capability of multi-column file list display,
available as view mode from icon toolbar on the
top of the window. Windows file selection box
even enables you to rename files from file
selection box - click two times on filename,
edit its name, and press enter.
Take my comments as encouragement, not as
criticism. Keep up the good work!
You may want to check a very nice site on user
interface design
Hi, Dusan
Thanks for your comments. There are surely a lot more features that could be added in my file selection dialog. It was developed using my xwol library, which was started to show that Motif can do whatever Windows can do. Here are the answers for your questions The file selection dialog is a C++ class Instead of a compisite Widget. I did created some new widgets for this dialog such as the tree, the column list widget. I am trying to find a place that could host a cvs tree for my xwol and vxe project. At that time I will release the source code under LGPL.
It is a nice thing that you plan to release
it under LGPL. Do not forget to announce it
here once you are ready.
Best regards,