XtPopup core dumping when used with protocol atoms

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XtPopup core dumping when used with protocol atoms

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 12:07

I have an application that uses popup shells. I manage the window up using XtPopup and XtPopdown. It works fine if, for example, I attach a callback to a button to pop the window up and down. However, I'm trying to overload the "Close" button in the upper left hand corner using a protocol atom (WM_DELETE_WINDOW). Whenever the protocol callback gets invoked (it is the SAME callback I use for the button), it corrupts the contents of my shell widget (shell_widget.core.self become garbage, and shell_widget.core.parent becomes NULL). The next time I try to pop the window up using XtPopup, it core dumps. I have it narrowed down to a very simple test program and the behavior (to my surprise) is very repeatable. I'm not sure if I'm using the protocol atoms incorrectly or what.
Here is how I set up the protocol atom (note - gShell is what was returned from XtVaCreatePopupShell):
// add a callback for the WM_DELETE_WINDOW protocol (close button)
WM_DELETE_MANUAL_WINDOW = XInternAtom( XtDisplay( gShell ),
"WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false );
XmAddWMProtocolCallback( gShell, WM_DELETE_MANUAL_WINDOW,
HideNotify, NULL );
Here is the callback that I invoke via the protocol atom (and from a button on my top level which does work fine):
extern void HideNotify( Widget wid, XtPointer client_data,
XtPointer client_args )
static bool show_text = true; // button text flag
if ( true == show_text )
// hide window
XtPopdown( gShell );
show_text = false;
} // end show text
// show window
XtPopup( gShell, XtGrabNone );
show_text = true;
} // end hide text
‹ Bug in geometry management? Text Window freez and expect for some mouse event ›




Submitted by yahubat on

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 10:04


Tue, 04/25/2006 - 17:17#1


XtPopup core dumping when used with protocol atoms

Nevermind - I figured out the problem. I need a call to XmAddWMProtocols(). Funny thing is, our software that uses protocols has never had a problem without this call.