XmScale Trough Color

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XmScale Trough Color

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 06/15/2012 - 12:07

I'm an old DECwindows hacker and am working on developing an application using openmotif 2.2.3-6 running under Fedora Core 3 on an i386 machine. I'm using UIL to specify the initial widget properties for the UI.
The application is going to employ several XmScale widgets and I would like to be able to set the trough color, both initially and dynamically.
Appendix C of the Motif Programmer's Reference Manual lists XmNtroughColor as a valid UIL argument, but if I try to include it in the definition of an XmScale object, the UIL compiler complains that this argument is not supported for the XmScale object.
So, does anyone know if it's possible to set the trough color on an XmScale object initially in UIL or by using XtSetValues in the code?
‹ Motif option menu: too large a list, need scrolled list callbacks in uil... ›


Sat, 10/15/2005 - 20:35#1

Using ScrollBar instead

I found I can get what I want by using a ScrollBar instead of a Scale, as ScrollBar allows the specification of the trough color.