XCreate Fails for DrawingArea widget on SOlaris utf-8 locale

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XCreate Fails for DrawingArea widget on SOlaris utf-8 locale

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 12:07

I'm using motif 2.1 and x11r6 on Solaris 8. In my application I'm using Drawing Area widget for text editing. I'm trying to create a input context for Root-Window input style. The following XCreateIC() call fails randomly on utf-8 locale, while the same problem is not happening on non utf-8 locale e.g. ja_JP.eucJP.
ic = XCreateIC (im, XNInputStyle, XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing,
XNClientWindow, xim_win, NULL)) == NULL)
printf("\nXCreateIC failed.\n");
return (0);
I'm not able to identify what is going wrong. Please help.
Thanks in advance.
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Fri, 12/08/2006 - 05:12#1

Fri, 12/08/2006 - 05:12#1

Submitted by yahubat on

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 09:49

Fri, 12/08/2006 - 05:12#1


XCreate Fails for DrawingArea widget on SOlaris utf-8 locale

I forgot to mention that I'm using the sun implemented version of xlib i.e. the xlib comes with solraris 8 in /usr/openwin/lib.