Right Mouse Events...

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Right Mouse Events...


I need to capture right mouse events in dialogs.
I am wanting to create Popup Menu`s for dialogs on my applicaation.

Previously, I created the menu for each form on the dialog because of the layering that has occured when the dialog was created.

Is there a way to capture the Right Mouse events for a shell or dialog and then simply create the Popup when the event occurs. This would keep me from having multiple Popup Menu instances for each form. (Though having the multiple instances works it just seems liks a resource hog.) Creating the menu during the event seems a lot better.

I haven`t been able to find much information on mouse events other than inside draw windows, etc... So, any help would be greatly appreciated.

C. Lamb



Sure; most samples will do this sort of thing

static void popupcallback(blah,blah)
static Widget popup = (Widget)NULL;

if (NULL == popup)
/* create it here via XmCreatePopupMenu */

/* and proceed to create the popup */




Thanks dbl...
C. Lamb