A popup ScrolledText window

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A popup ScrolledText window

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 03/02/2001 - 17:54. Developers
Is there a way to create this? I have tried to use a DialogShell as the parent but when I create the dialog shell it stays managed and I can`t unmanage it before the program is realized. What I am trying to do is when you click a push button I want a scrolled text window to appear to display some info. Am I going about this the wrong way?

Thanks in advance


You could probably use XmCreateInformationDialog(), which displays text information and allows the user to acknowledge its receipt. It`s hard to tell from your description what you want; perhaps you have a more complicated situation better served by XmCreateTemplateDialog() or by popping up a second shell with the text information in it.

(Typically, short bits of text are appropriately displayed through these message dialogs. For longer pieces, a text widget could be used, but be sure to turn off editing.)