Newbee Q: Resizing windows and too small scrollable lists

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Newbee Q: Resizing windows and too small scrollable lists

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on

Fri, 06/15/2012 - 12:07

I'm trying to use an old Motif application (xmgr), but have a small problem.
Some DialogShells display on a very small part of a scrollable list, hampering usability.
I put a screenshot on:
In the screenshot, ideally, the buttons would drop after the resizing, making room for the scrollable list, but that did not happen as the screenshot shows.
I have identified the code responsible, but do not know how to change it.
Many thanks in advance.
‹ XmCreateScrolledText OpenMotif 2.2.4-0.1 labels bug 1117 resolution ›


Tue, 04/04/2006 - 20:46#1

Tue, 04/04/2006 - 20:46#1

Submitted by yahubat on

Tue, 07/17/2012 - 10:06

Tue, 04/04/2006 - 20:46#1


Newbee Q: Resizing windows and too small scrollable lists

Not a solution, just some hints.
Being an oldie Motif app, it probably handles resizing in
with a XmForm manager. It is quite tricky to do it correctly,
since you need to set all the attachments for all of the child widgets
in the XmForm. You need to set fixed preferred sizes
to all the wigets other than the list widget, so that one will resize,
while the other will stay the same, as you resize the window.
Smart resizing used to be the forte of Motif back in the nineties,
if programmed correctly.
I personaly do it with a third party widget XmpTable, part of WCL,
which is much more powerful and all the layout can be set from
within one resource.