Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 08/22/2001 - 19:16. Developers
I am porting some code from HP to Linux x386. The code has links to a directory library /usr/dt/lib/libDtSvc.a, the calls are DtWsmSetCurrentWorkspace, and DtWsmOccupyAllWorkspaces etc. This same code and library is also on Sun Solaris. Is this dt code available for Red Hat. I am using 7.1 with xfree86 and open motif
Tue, 07/03/2012 - 11:17
Desk Top Window Manager
Sounds like they`re calls to link with dtwm, the CDE window manager. It`s based on mwm, with extra goodies for multiple virtual screens. dtwm and the CDE applications are not part of Open Motif. However, I am surprised that the small interface library with the calls that you mention is not part of the available code.
You can simply omit these calls. They provide extras in a particular environment.