Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 10/13/2000 - 19:57. Developers
I would like to know how to change the font of the list in the comboBox. The GUI is done using UIMX and combobox is DT(Desktop).I wrote the following
static String fontlist = "font that I prefer(sans something)";
Widget text =NULL;
Widget combobox_w = UxGetWidget(UxFindSwidget("EWDeliberateAttackCB"));
XtVaGetValues(combobox_w, DtCList,&text,NULL);
XtVaSetValue(combobox_w,XtVaTypeArg,XmNfontList,XmRString,fontlist, strlen(fontlist)+1,NULL);
Please help!
Fri, 06/29/2012 - 12:03