AW Maya for Linux and Motif!

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AW Maya for Linux and Motif!

Submitted by Mike_S on Thu, 01/24/2002 - 08:38. Developers

Im using AW Maya for simulations etc. There are some keys in maya like Alt+LMB to trumble the camera etc. The problem is when Im using this keys the motif moves the window and not trumble the cam. Is it possible to "turn-off" motifs functions for a widget??? Is the motif version for IRIX the same???




You`d need to install a different .mwmrc or system.mwmrc to have different bindings, such that they don`t conflict in the window context.


You don`t say what window manager you are using. Most can be configured to change the hot keys used not perfect. usually easy to switch the Alt and Meta keys if your keyboard supports the Meta key.