2.1.3 build fails - undefined reference '_Xsetlocale'

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2.1.3 build fails - undefined reference '_Xsetlocale'

Submitted by dap on Wed, 03/22/2006 - 11:21. General Questions
Using fedora core rel 4. On the window manager client motif/clients/mwm while linking the mwm
the above undefined reference occurs in WmMain.o.
Any hints about a solution..


OM 2.1.30 was originally released in the days of XFree. Today, most Linux systems are x.org based. Perhaps the older version of Motif is refering to a symbol from Xfree? (guessing here...)



I am having the same problem installing OM 2.1.30 on Fedora Core 6. I successfully installed XFree86, but I am getting many instances of the above 'undefined reference' error. I believe I may have downloaded a version of XFree86 that was compiled w/o -DX_LOCALE. Can anyone point me to a location where I can get a version of XFree86 with X_LOCALE defined?