Selecting all items in a list

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Selecting all items in a list

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 09/08/2000 - 19:57. Developers
I have a list that can hold up to 1000 items and a button that the operator can click to select all the items. When the list is full, I`m running into performance problems. My code for the "select all" button tried calling XmListSelectPos 1000 times but this took more than 1 minute to complete. I then tried calling XtSetarg and XtGetValues (for items and itemcount), and used XtSetarg and XtSetValues (for selecteditems and selecteditemcount). I read one place that this should be quicker, but it fact it took longer. The list utilizes the extended select policy so the user can click on the first item, scroll to the 1000th item and shift-click that item, and the whole list gets selected almost immediately. So I`m thinking there`s got to be some way to code my "select all" button to select all the items just as fast, but I haven`t had any luck finding a way. Does anyone have any information on how I can do this?


I would like to know how do we select all the Items in a list , I have an answer for this I think we should change the
selection policy to XmNmultipleSelection . But apart from this i would like to know whether we can implement the
keyboard features such as when we press SHIFT button and move the Mouse pointer down the list we should be able to select all the items.


you can change this keystuff in the translationtables...