compiling on Darwin-OSX

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compiling on Darwin-OSX

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 04/16/2002 - 18:05. General Questions

I downloaded the 2.2 sources (for Darwin) and tried to compile on a Mac with OS-X, XDarwin, and Gnu-Darwin 2.2.
The configuration went well, but make stopped and complained about not finding

There is a file for download called darwin-extras, which contains that and a number of other things.

Could anyone please tell me where to put these extra files and how to compile openMotif 2.2 on OSX?

Thanks a million,



Which version? there was major changes between OSX 10.0 and 10.1.



I am using OS-X 10.1.3, and I also have installed the developers CD that comes in the box




As of 10.1, Apple changed a bunch of things in the linker. We are working on getting a fix for this.
langinfo.h needs to go into /usr/include.

But, as it stands, Open Motif 2.2.2 won`t compile out of the box on 10.1.x



Thanks so much for your help. I have one more question, hopefully the last.

Say that I download the precompiled openmotif-2.2.0-Darwin.tar.gz (which I guess is for ppc), together with the Darwin extras. I then extract openmotif in "/", and put langinfo.h in /usr/include.

1) Where do the contents of the /langinfo directory go?

2) Would I then be able to compile a software that needs motif from inside XDarwin?

Thanks again,



You shouldnt need the other darwin-extras to compile motif apps, as long as you have libXm and the headers.