Application freeze if using touch screen

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Application freeze if using touch screen


I am supporting a customer who uses openmotif 2.3.3-4 on Redhat 6.3. The application is running on a system together with a touch screen and a pen.

If I open a popup menu in the application and put the pen somewhere on the screen outside the menu the application (and all others) freezes. This happens only if the mouse cursor is not moving continuously  but set to a new location in one step. The problem can be worked around by pressing the escape key. This unfreezes the applications. The problem is reproducible with a simple application like "Example  19-1 The simple_popup.c program" from

It seems that the XmMOUSE_LEAVE event is not created if the cursor is not moving continuously.

The problem is new for version 2.3.3-4. It worked fine for Redhat 5.3 with openmotif 2.3.1-2.

Are there others knowing this problem?

Is there another way to workaround this problem? Pressing the escape key is not acceptable in this application.

We filed a bug on this topic yesterday.







> If I open a popup menu in

> If I open a popup menu in the application and put the pen somewhere on the screen outside the menu the application (and all others) freezes. This happens > only if the mouse cursor is not moving continuously  but set to a new location in one step. The problem can be worked around by pressing the escape key. > > This unfreezes the applications. The problem is reproducible with a simple application like "Example  19-1 The simple_popup.c program" > from



What device is used to test this on?  can this be replicated/reproducible under a desktop. Not sure, how to simulate a pen event under desktop, does this happen with one of the distribution downloaded from or is it specific to redhat distribution. 

Thanks, -Sri

This bug is easy to reproduce

This bug is easy to reproduce with any motif application which uses menus.

You can use any Motif version on any Linux you like, and use any Wacom tablet (intous 2, 3, 4, whatever).

Click to open menu, without selecting the menu entry. Then lift the pen and place it somewhere on lower right corner of the screen.

Tablet map the pen position in absolute coordinates, so pointer will appear to "warp" to new position, and (I think) the menu does not get LeaveNotify event, and stays frozen as it does the pointer grab, which is never released.