Compile problem with open motif

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Compile problem with open motif

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 10/18/2000 - 19:14. Developers
I downloaded the open motif installation packages (both runtime and development) and had it installed in my PC with Linux Redhat 6.2 OS. When I compile a very simple program hello.c found in many web, it indicates a bunch of Xp... (such XpGetContent(), XpGetDocumentData(), XpEndJob() etc....) references unfound. I am new to Motif, any suggestion about my setup or clues to correct it.

Thanks a lot for your help.



Did you link in the printing library using " -lXp" on the gcc line?



I am having the same problem, even though I am linking in the printing library using " -lXp -lXm -lX11" on the gcc line and "-I/usr/X11R6/include" . Please help.
