Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 02/18/2004 - 05:45. Developers
Not sure if I'm posting my question to the right Fourum, but thought I can get replies fast...
I have a problem of using motif libraries on IPF. We have a product which is built using 32-bit library of motif. The product runs fine except for the modules with motif libraries... When I tried to install 32-bit motif libraries (openmotif21-2.1.20-1) on IPF on RedHat 2.1 Advanced Server, it gave me an error of conflict with openmotif of the installed version which is 64 -bit. :( The location these two packages will reside are the same. I think that is causing the problem.
Is there any package built already for such problems??? It has to be a standard RPM format else it cannot be suggested to the customers. :(
Thanks in advance.
-- Sree
I assume that you are running this application in 32 bit emulation mode on the IPF? If so, just download and install the 32 bit version of OpenMotif that corresponds to the AS 2.1 release (I think this is either RH 7.2 or RH 7.3)
Should work and its a "standard" release.
Hi Mark,
Thanks for responding. My problem is not finding the right package but installing both 64-bit and 32-bit openmotif packages on the same system. I thought if there are any packages already available which puts 32-bit libraries on a standard directory say /usr/i386-glibc22-linux/lib where all 32-bit libraries are kept it will be nice. Right now, I've forced an installation of 32-bit over a 64-bit with the following command:
# rpm -Uvh --nodeps --oldpackage --relocate /usr/X11R6/=/usr/i386-glibc22-linux/ openmotif21-2.1.30-1.i386.rpm
But since the other files and binaries are overwritten on the same location where the previous installation was done, I do not want to suggest this to people who will be using our product.
I hope I'm clear in my problem now.
-- Sree
Mark wrote:
I assume that you are running this application in 32 bit emulation mode on the IPF? If so, just download and install the 32 bit version of OpenMotif that corresponds to the AS 2.1 release (I think this is either RH 7.2 or RH 7.3)
Should work and its a "standard" release.