Caldera Open Unix 8.0

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Caldera Open Unix 8.0

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 06/27/2002 - 17:50.

My company has been using UnixWare for the last umpteen years (yes they are a little behind) and will hopefully be moving the next version which is Caldera Open Unix 8.0.

All of the applications use Motif 1.2 and it seems like it would be beneficial to upgrade to the latest, Motif 2.2.

It looks like there are no binaries available for this OS. I am sure its possible to get Motif 2.2 onto Open Unix 8.0 but is it reasonable and how would I go about.


Thu, 07/18/2002 - 19:11#1

Thu, 07/18/2002 - 19:11#1


Caldera Open Unix 8.0

I suspect that you should just need to untar the source.
then ./configure; make

it should all work.