Overlay Problem

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Overlay Problem

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 08/29/2002 - 14:41.

I am having a problem with overlay on a new neoware Xterm. The funny things is that this problem does not occur with a older non neoware machine. The problem consists of refreshing; take for instance the overlay program at http//www.openmotif.org/tmd/articles/Overlay/oplanes.html. When I run this program on the neoware machine it will create a grid when I press the space bar once, but pressed again the window clear the country image and only a white background is left. You can toggle the grid, but the white back remains. I am pretty sure that the neoware termainal is the problem becuase the code works great on older machines, but I am not sure at how to correct the problem. If any one could offer any advice I would sure appreciate the help. Thanks,

Thu, 08/29/2002 - 15:07#1

Thu, 08/29/2002 - 15:07#1


Additional clarification

The platform that I am running is a sun and solaris platform, and the version of Motif I am using is Motif 1.26.
