Iconifying the window

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Iconifying the window

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 04/23/2003 - 11:37.

under the requirement, we are supposed to change from one icon to another whenever there is some processing like loading the database or redrawing etc. Is that possible and if it is how to do it???

thanking you.

Wed, 04/23/2003 - 22:43#1

Wed, 04/23/2003 - 22:43#1


Iconifying the window

As with so many things in life, in X, and in Motif, the answer is "sort of", or, at best, "yes and no".

First, you are not guaranteed to have an icon. The window manager that the user is using may not have icon images. Even mwm is often configured to have text-only icons. So you are not guaranteed to be able to display an image.

But, that said, you want to establish an iconWindow and register it with the window manager. You can then change this window as you see fit. Note that changes to the iconPixmap are not guaranteed to be noticed, so that mechanism should not be used.

I should add, though, that changing the icon probably isn`t sufficient information for the user, who is unlikely to notice subtle changes in a small part of the workspace. It is better to use the message-area concept in Motif (part of the Main Window) or to use a dialog if you are unable to accept input during this processing.

Thu, 04/24/2003 - 04:27#2

Thu, 04/24/2003 - 04:27#2


Iconifying the window

thanks a ton