List Question...

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List Question...

Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 06/07/2002 - 20:47. Developers
Is there a List method (Callback) that is called when items are hovered over in a List.

For Example
I would like for the user to be able to hover over an item in a list and some how be able to determine the index of the item.

I have additional values associated with the list items that are not visible to the user. I was hoping to be able to somehow display those values so that the user can know what they are before making the list selection.

I know that the user can set focus on the List and then scroll using the Keyboard; therefore, tracking the selected item and obtaining the index. Also, selecting the item will give me the index (via a Callback); however, as stated I would like to be able to determine the index before selection.

C. Lamb


You could try the following Register a mouse move event handler with the list widget. In your handler, you could use the pointer position to calculate the list index and store it in some global variable.

Good luck


C. Lamb