Submitted by Anonymous on Fri, 07/20/2001 - 12:50. Developers
I downloaded a sample from the web, using the libXsw.a, allowing me to create a top window containing a child window. I had to change the XmNscrollingPolicy flag from XmAUTOMATIC to XmAPPLICATION_DEFINED also setting the XmNvisualPolicy to XmVARIABLE and removing the Clip-Window management.
What I got is I can move the child window outside the right and bottom borders of the top window (of course the child window slides underneath). As soon as I resize the top-window, there is no way that I can move the child window outside the right and bottom borders of the top one, it stops as the right border (or bottom) of the child meet the right (or bottom) border of the top. This behaviour does not affect the top and left borders.
Any ideas why this happen ?
thanks a lot.
Tue, 07/03/2012 - 10:13
MDI problem
I`m not a Motif wizard, mind you. But I think your going about it the wrong way.
Certainly you should look at some free source code that does these things. I`m sure the settings your giving the window instantiation (or handler) are wrong. They might be possible if you also yeild the appropriate callbacks; which is likely totally unnecessary. Maybe the code your looking at, if that`s what your doing, does more "low level" handling than you think it does. I`ve done such "low level" things to add non-existenct functionality to MDI app views.
It sounds to me like you might be mis-interpreting the xy client boundries as absolute / relative (in an end means way). Certainly double check your *two* boundries first it might be that simple. Remember when either changes either your code handles main/client window handling or motif libs do but "something" must every time a window resizes.
You might be missing a callback handler. Mwm notifies your app of window size changes which your app needs to react to; especially if you`ve disabled mwm`s built in stuff. This built in stuff must refuse to move the window and it needs the correct "top" window size and *client* window size to do such (assuming thats the target action, to limit client window to at least be partially visible in the "top" window).
Hope that helped.