value dpndncy:DX15/BX40/Motif12/HP1020/Orcl8

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value dpndncy:DX15/BX40/Motif12/HP1020/Orcl8

Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 06/30/2001 - 19:37. Developers
I`m back! Thank you for all the help so far!
Background refresher I use DX1.5 and BX4.0 under HPUX10.20 using Oracle8, HP C Compiler, and Motif 1.2
I have a little additional experience with Motif, but I`ve only been working with DX1.5 for a few months. I have a question that I can`t find in the manuals (If I am mistaken, please say so). Unfortunately I cannot use the DX tutorial because the highest Oracle version the DX1.5 tutorial uses is one of the Oracle7. So, I have to rely on a single manual.

I have 2 dialog shells shellA and shellB
shellA pops up first.
There is a button in shellA that causes shellB to popup.
The settings in one of the XiDBDataFields in shellB depends on the value of an XiDBDataField in shellA.

How can I get the value of shellA`s XiDBDataField BEFORE shellB is managed?
Or at least, before shellB is ready for a user event?
Where do I put the callback?


You should be able to use the XmNmapCallback on shellB -- but at the time that shellB is managed, you can get the value then. You can add user code to do this before the XtManageChild() call.


are you sure I can use a widget resource called "XmNmapCallback" for XiDBDataField?
my .c file is generated from my uil file.
How do just "get" the value from the DataField in ShellA?
What do I write?

Thanks, Newdebugger

app-default file

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 07/19/2001 - 15:01. Developers
Hi Everebody
My application didn`t load Xresource values from app-defaults file. Does any one what would be the problem. I tried to set up env varibale XAPPLRESDIR = "./", It didn`t work. The app-defaults file resides in the same directory where application source code resided. Thank you very much for your support


As a quick work-around, you can set the XENVIRONMENT variable to the full path to the resources file. In the long run, you should set the appropriate path variable. See the information in the X faq (via http// ) ; search for SEARCH to get the information on setting Xt environment variables to locate defaults files.