Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 01/15/2001 - 06:45. Developers
I have copied the motifburger sample program from the Motif examples. When I have compiled and run the program, a message "Mrm.c624Looks like a corrupt uid file" is displayed. I have used the original motifbur.uil file, commenting all "object" keywords except for the the first "object" keyword found in the file since I encountered "Segmentation fault" if it`s not commented. Can someone help me ? Thanks.
Mon, 07/02/2012 - 11:50
Did you build Motif yourself or get it from a vendor? If from a vendor, complain, and find out whether the version of Xm they`re selling went through the built-in verifications.
The classic quick test is the Periodic demo (MotifBurger was copied from DecWindows), which shows most or all of the widgets. Have you tried that version?