Development has moved from this CVS Repository to the Git repository at SourceForge!
The information provided below is for legacy purposes only. The CVS repository will continue to be available for read-only access. Please visit SourceForge for read and write access to the Motif git repository.
This is the home of the OpenMotif source code repository. You can learn more about OpenMotif and its development on its official site, the ICS MotifZone.
Browse the Repository
You can take a look at the repository through the web for quick access, grab a recent snapshot covering the last few days that saw checkins, or access the repisitory directly through CVS as detailed below.
Anonymous Repository Access
% cvs -d co openmotif
You can use this code to convert a tree from an older CVS root location to this one (bourne-compatible; no csh/tcsh):
% cd /path/to/openmotif
% for DIR in $(find . -type d -name CVS); \
do echo > $DIR/Root; \
% cvs update
Read/Write Repository Access
Write access to the OpenMotif repository requires key-based SSH authentication. This is open to developers only. You can request to become a developer by sending email to yura(at) including a detailed explanation of your intent. Most patches come in through the bug tracker and are committed by a developer after reviewing them.
Once you have been granted developer access, create a key:
% ssh-keygen -t rsa -b2048 -C "Your Name" -f ~/.ssh/openmotif
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): Your Password
Enter same passphrase again: Your Password
Your identification has been saved in ~/.ssh/openmotif
Your public key has been saved in ~/.ssh/
The key fingerprint is:
99:d3:26:94:87:d3:4f:ea:d6:e9:2f:ca:9c:e9:f8:c9 Hello World
Send a copy of that .pub file to that same admin email address to request that we add that key to your CVS account. If you do not yet have an account, you will have to request that as well. This will require the approval of a team leader.
Add this stanza to the end of your ~/.ssh/config file:
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/openmotif
Once your account and configuration are set up, you can run the following to access the repository (the export line is probably not needed):
% export CVS_RSH=ssh
% cvs -d checkout openmotif
You can use this code to convert a tree from an older CVS root location to this one (bourne-compatible; no csh/tcsh):
% cd /path/to/openmotif
% for DIR in $(find . -type d -name CVS); \
do echo > $DIR/Root; \
% cvs update