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Submitted by ooolongcha on Sun, 02/03/2002 - 09:20.

i need to know how to actually enter/update data for this widget. here`s what i`ve done so far

String col_titles[3] = {"File" "Size" "Time"};
Xm18RowInfo ent_data[10];

XtVaSetValues(ext_list, /* <- XmExt18List */
XmNcolumnTitles, col_titles,
XmNentryData, ent_data,

i`ve entered strings into the "values" field of the Xm18RowInfo struct array and it still won`t display any entries at all--in fact, it won`t even display the column titles!

PS setting the XmNnumColumns to 3 (should be the right value in this case) gives me segfault.. why???

please help..

Sun, 02/03/2002 - 17:06#1

Sun, 02/03/2002 - 17:06#1



The man page shows that XmNcolumnTitles is an XmStringTable -- that is, an array of XmString values, not of String values. I know that both resolve to character pointers, but the data is different. You need compound strings.


Mon, 09/29/2003 - 19:37#2

Mon, 09/29/2003 - 19:37#2



I am having difficulty with the Ext18List here...
It seems as thought the XmNcolumnTitles is Undefined... and I am running Motif 2.2

Any thoughts?

Mon, 09/29/2003 - 20:39#3

Mon, 09/29/2003 - 20:39#3



I am having difficulty with the Ext18List here...
It seems as thought the XmNcolumnTitles is Undefined... and I am running Motif 2.2

Any thoughts?

Mon, 09/29/2003 - 21:33#4

Mon, 09/29/2003 - 21:33#4



I`ve reported something similar to the RH people (since that was the distribution I was using). After talking to the OpenMotif people, they made a fix, but chose the wrong fix. See here

If you have the source, get the definition from there.



Tue, 09/30/2003 - 16:15#5



Thanks, I downloaded the source and compiled the example...
However, the make install does not put the .h into the /usr/include/Xm Directory.... so I just copied them myself...
that seemed to work

I appreciate your help.


Tue, 09/30/2003 - 17:11#6

Tue, 09/30/2003 - 17:11#6



Correct... the install doesn`t install the file. The `ExtI.h` file is supposed to be an internal one, accessible from the source only... which is probably correct.

The bug is that the XmNcolumnTitles is defined in the I.h file, not the generic .h file.