XmContainer: added node not shown

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XmContainer: added node not shown

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 05/28/2002 - 20:49. Developers
I am developing a tree structured GUI using XmContainer and IconGadget. The tree changes dynamically, i.e., new nodes are added and obsolete nodes are deleted. I found that a new added node is not always viewable after it is added. This is especially true under the following conditions (1) the new node falls in a collapsed subtree. (2) its grandparent node is the root of a collapsed subtree. (3) its parent node is not the root of a collapsed tree. (4) its parent node had at least one child before the new node is added. Sounds complicated? Here is an example, Suppose we have node A, B, and C in the tree. B`s XmNentryParent is A. C`s XmNentryParent is B. Also suppose the tree is now fully expanded, i.e., every node is viewable. Now collapse the subtree rooted at A by clicking on the handle next to A node. If I add a new child node D to B now, after I expand the subtree rooted at A, I don`t see node D under B. Only C is there. But if I collpase subtree rooted at B and expand it again, the D node appears as C node`s sibling now. Has anybody had this problem before? Is this a Motif bug or I didn`t do it correctly? Any solutions and suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.



It sounds like a perfectly reasonable bug for XmContainer, specifically, to have, and one that you should submit your test case to the database for.