Window decoration

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Window decoration

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 10/04/2001 - 10:37. Developers
Hi all,

I am running readhat 6.2 with gnome. I am trying to create a window without decoration (title bar, minimize, maximize, system menu) but with with the border.

Every book, web-page tells me to use the XmNmwmDecorations resource with values

0 - no decoration at all ( works well )
MWM_DECOR_BORDER - thin frame ( actually comes up with all the decorations)

I also tried setting the XtNoverrideRedirect resource to TRUE but that does not solve my problem.

Also I can`t find any section within my .Xdefaults file that would override this.

Am I missing something obvious?



The simplest way to do this is to set the resource
mwm*yourClient.clientDecorationsnone .

Programmatically, it`s more complicated, but more appropriate because these values should be set by the application for use when the user happens to be using mwm.

I suspect that you`re putting the resources on the wrong widget. You should be setting them on the shell.