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Submitted by Anonymous on Sat, 12/02/2000 - 03:07.

There seemed to be some interest in this, so I`ve commited what I have so far. You will have to co, or update, to the ToolTip branch. If you update make sure to use cvs up -d to get the extra demo directory. You must ./configure --enable-tips to get things compiled up. The demo is in demo/unsupported/tooltip.

New resources
Primitive/Gadget - XmNtoolTipString is the XmString that will be displayed as the tip. The default is NULL which means no tip will be displayed.

VendorShell - XmNtoolTipEnable, default False which turns off all the tool tip stuff.

XmNtoolTipPostDelay, how long before the tip is shown.

XmNtoolTipPostDuration, how long the tip is shown.

Play with the demo, feedback is welcomed, sorry no Imake.....