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Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 03/05/2001 - 22:30. Developers
I programm with OSF MOTIF but I have the following problems

My programm is built like that

I have 3 windows to display and 3 uil files

So I declare String uid_file_name = {"file1.uid", "file2.uid", "file3.uid"};

In main()
I make a MrmFetchWidget of main_window1 on top_level
and a XtManageChild of main_window1

In the same file of main()
I have two functions f1 and f2 which make

In the firstone
MrmFetchWidget of main_window2 on top_level
and a XtManageChild of main_window2 on top_level

In the secoundone
MrmFetchWidget of main_window3
and a XtManageChild of main_window3

In file1.uil
This file displays the main_window1.
In this file I call a function which displays a FormDialog.
For example
XmNactivateCallback function(main_window1);

The first window and form dialog are good displayed.
But when I want to display the secound window, I can`t make it.

void function(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
Widget target = (Widget) client_data;

PROBLEM The secound window doesn`t display.

In file2.uil
This file displays the main_window2...normally
In this file I call a function which displays a FormDialog.
For example
XmNactivateCallback function_bis(main_window2);

void function_bis(Widget w, XtPointer client_data, XtPointer call_data)
Widget target = (Widget) client_data;

But what I don`t understand is that if I make in main()
MrmFetchWidget of main_window2, and XtManageChild(main_window2)
main_window2 is good displayed and
then main_window3 is displayed!!!

I don`t know where is the problem?
Variables main_window1,2,3 are global....

Should I Fetch on top_level all the main_window....however I tried to make it without success.

If you could respond to a french progammer, I`ll very happy.
Transmit this message to persons who could have an idea.

Thank you very much.



Without delving into your problems, I can say that this bit of code


is no good. Once you destroy a widget, you shouldn`t be doing anything with its value except removing the ID from local caches.

Note also that you`ll want to be sure to preserve the parent ID value so that you can fetch the
children widget into it.