middle mouse death-click

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middle mouse death-click

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 05/01/2002 - 18:41. Developers
I`ve got a window that dies whenever I middle mouse click any of the displayed widgets. I`m running on a 10.20 HPUX machine. I`m looking to disable the middle mouse button for that window, but without disabling it for the entire session (no session-wide button aliasing). I`m trying to use Xlib.GrabButton, but I can`t seem to satisfy its parameters. Any suggestions?


The button is probably already grabbed, and perhaps by the menu system, so you can`t grab it again.

I think you are curing the symptom rather than the disease. The issue isn`t really avoiding the Btn2Press but figuring out why the application dies on that action. You should figure out the underlying problem.


First check whether your app talks to xrdb button configuration - that would be a problem solved if I understood you.

I remember netscape (mozilla) allows button changes in its X resource database ($HOME/.Xdefaults) (you can use that to enable the mouse wheel as shown on the homepage).

You might try changing other resources for just that widget. Maybe a bit will pop out )

I might be the application has a selection callback which crashes when the `other` button is pressed - due to some glitch. Or maybe even after creation the app trashes the widget in question and when passed to a select callback a segfault is found.